Create growth with
confidence and speed

We are a full-service corporate venture and innovation agency helping leading corporations improve existing products and services – or create new ones.

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"Corporate Venture Building – Norges neste vekstvertikal?".

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What we do

Create growth in existing products and services

Taking care of your existing customers is your easiest win. We help you reduce churn and increase the life-time value of your customers by methodically improving existing products, services and processes.

Growth through new products and services

Together with leading corporations we explore new growth opportunities. Fueled by an entrepreneurial mindset, creativity and business savviness, we’ll help identify and validate new opportunities with minimal risk.

Reduce churn and increase sales by designing better customer experiences

Through user insight, customer journey improvement and iterative testing, we designed an improved user experience for new customers at a leading energy provider – resulting in a churn reduction of more than 20%.
“Reodor’s way of work, user understanding and speed helped us create amazing results in 8 weeks. Scaling this approach up across our other products and markets could prove extremely valuable for us.”
Head of Business Unit
Publicly listed USD 2B client

Discover your next business opportunity

When a publicly listed global market leader wanted to explore their positioning opportunities with a new product idea, we helped by mapping out and analysing the market and competitive landscape, before testing potential value propositions.
«Reodor brought great energy and momentum to our project. With a combination of business understanding, product design expertise and a metric driven process they helped us gain valuable insight at an extreme pace.»
EVP Strategy
Publicly listed USD 1B client

In our DNA we’re entrepreneurs,
not consultants

Reodor was founded by a group of entrepreneurs, with earlier endevaours ending in everything from total failure to successful scaling and exits. Our experiences define our company DNA. Expect us to bring true project ownership and passion, speed and an eagerness to reduce risk and create tangible results.

We challenge

Fueled by passion, we aim to always find new ways to challenge established truths and create value – from a blank canvas to scaled products. Whether you’re a client or an employee, we encourage engaging discussions with a joint purpose of finding the best solutions.

We deliver

Less talk, more action. Great products and services create real value – which should speak for itself. We deliver tangible results, bridging user insight, business understanding and hands-on product design and development.

We care

Our aim is to make sure our employees are happy and truly care for our colleagues, clients and projects. That is why we want our office to feel like home, our colleagues to feel like family, and our company to feel like it belongs to our employees (which it often does through our stock option program).