Increasing partnership sales through service innovation

How can we use innovation to increase the value of a home sellers’ insurance, making Gjensidige the natural first choice for real estate agents offering home sellers’ insurance to their clients?

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🤔 The challenge
With the new Disposal/Alienation Act passed in January 2022, increasing the responsibility of the selling party in a real estate transaction, Gjensidige wanted to expand their services to include home sellers’ insurance. Wanting to offer a wider range of assistance to their customers – aiding them in more than just damage control – they requested our help in increasing the value of their new home sellers’ insurance, in order to meet their customer’s needs in the best possible way.

As home sellers’ insurance is a service primarily sold through exclusive partnerships with real estate agents, we needed to ask ourselves: How can we increase the attractiveness of Gjensidige’s home sellers’ insurance offering, making Gjensidige the real estate agent's first choice, when deciding what home sellers’ insurance to offer their clients?

🔨Our approach
During this project, we needed to create a solution based on the needs of three different target groups: The real estate agents, the home sellers themselves and, of course, Gjensidige. The real estate agents' needs revolve mostly around their clients – the home sellers – and how they can assist them though their real estate transaction process. The home sellers themselves needed a service that made the somewhat tedious task of selling a home, as frictionless as possible. And Gjensidige wanted to find a way to aid their customers when selling their home, as a part of their vision to offer help in more areas than just damage control.

Through depth-interviews with real estate agents and home sellers, we were able to gain insight on their specific needs within the real estate transaction process. Which steps in the process could Gjensidige make easier, using their resources and expertise?

After learning about our target groups and what kind of resources Gjensidige had that could help solve their problems, we used the Jobmap-method to structure our gathered insight and find out what exact steps in the real estate transaction process we could work on optimizing. This method, created by Anthony Ulwick, analyzes a process in eight steps from beginning to end, allowing us to zoom in and closely examine each step in the process.

After presenting our finds in a workshop with Gjensidige, we started converting our insight into ideas. How would the optimal customer experience look when selling a home, and how could we use innovation to make that happen?

By working together with Gjensidige and an established partnership broker, we were able to create several kinds of concepts from our ideas, which we then narrowed down to a few, on which we started testing different business and revenue models. This turned into a pool of home sellers’ insurance concepts that Gjensidige could then invest in.

💑 The result
In 12 weeks we had gone from an open challenge to a market ready pilot with an established partner. We also got funding, developed marketing material and a clear funnel to measure our finds. The result: A service that connects home sellers with appraisers and craftsmen, making the process of renovating and selling their home easier and smoother.

Want to know more?

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Jun Christian Villanueva
if you want to hear more about this project.
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